Welcome to Ants 2D

This game is currently only available on Android but we plan to release it on other platforms.  Future platforms will include:

  • Apple (IOS)
  • PC Windows (Steam)
  • Switch
  • Xbox
  • PlayStation
  • Nintendo

What is the Game Ants 2D About?

Based on an old game called SimAnt but with improved mechanics and game play.  You control an ant in a nest.  You can switch to control any ant in your nest at any time however one ant can not get very much done on its own.  You will have to use scents to control the other ants which will be busy going about their jobs.  The most important ant in your nest is your queen.  If she dies your nest dies.

Your nest will be very fragile at the start and you must first collect food.  There are lots of predators that can kill you so you must run and hide from them at the start of your nest.  Once your nest builds in numbers you will be able to raise an army and kill other creatures to collect food.

There is a campaign mode where you can battle against other species of ants.  Each time you kill another species nest you will unlock that species for you to play in future games.  It will also be possible to upgrade your ant species and the campaign progresses.


Game Play Images